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Título: Growth and mortalities of the Pink-shrimp
Autor(es): N . O ., Leite JR LEITE
JR . , Petrere
Palavras-chave: Keywords:;tropical marine fishery,;pink-shrimp,;Farfantepenaeus,;growth,;mortalities,;Brazil
Data do documento: Mai-2006
Resumo: From July, 1999 until July, 2001 data from the pink-shrimp Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis Latreille, 1970 and F. paulensis Pérez-Farfante, 1967 fishery were collected from trawling by the fishing fleet based in Santos/Guarujá-SP. Growth and mortalities of these species were studied. F. brasiliensis and F. paulensis have longevity of 2 years and growth estimates of L∞ = 29.0 cm and k = 1.24 year-1 for F. brasiliensis and L∞ = 27.5 cm and k = 1.34 year-1 for F. paulensis. Females reach bigger lengths than males in both species. Natural mortalities (M) were 1.80 and 1.90 year-1 and fishing mortalities (F) were 4.7 and 6.8 year-1 for F. brasiliensis and F. paulensis, respectively. Survival rates are S = 0.15% and 0.02% for F. brasiliensis and F. paulensis, respectively, which are usually low values for shrimps.
Origem: Projeto TAMAR , Avenida Paulino Mueller , 1111 , Jucutuquara , CEP 29040 - 715 , Vitória ES , Brasil
Tipo: Dissertação
Páginas: 14
Aparece nas coleções:Teses e Dissertações

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