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Título : Expanding the range of the troglobitic millipede Pseudonannolene ambuatinga Iniesta & Ferreira, 2013: insights into its distribution and conservation status (Spirostreptida, Pseudonannolenidae)
Autor : Iniesta, Luiz F. M.
Oliveira, Marcus P. A.
Brescovit, Antonio D.
Bouzan, Rodrigo S.
Palabras clave : Cave-dwelling;Grupo Bambuí;Myriapoda;Neotropics;Pains;troglomorphic
Fecha de publicación : 10-jun-2024
Resumen : Pseudonannolene Silvestri, 1895 (Spirostreptida, Pseudonannolenidae) is one of the most common genera of millipedes in Brazilian caves. To date, only three troglobitic species are known in a list of 56 species described for the genus. In this study, we report new records of the cave-dwelling species Pseudonannolene ambuatinga Iniesta & Ferreira, 2013 in Minas Gerais state. These records extend its distribution by approximately 600 km2, making it the most widely distributed cave-dwelling millipede in the country. We also provide a new assessment of its conservation status based on the records and threats to its populations.
metadata.dc.source: Check list
metadata.dc.type: Artigo
metadata.dc.localofdeposit: https://doi.org/10.15560/20.3.657
URI : https://repositorio.icmbio.gov.br/handle/cecav/2293
Aparece en las colecciones: BIOLOGIA SUBTERRÂNEA

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