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Autor : Coutinho, Marcos Eduardo
Pinto, Laura de Souza Cota Carvalho Silva
Vale, Cristiano Andrey Souza do
Pereira, Andréa Franco
Pereira, Andréa Franco
Gaudio, Chiara Del
Palabras clave : ecodesign;productive chains;amazonian
Fecha de publicación : 2021
Editorial : Edgard Blücher Ltda
Resumen : The chapter discusses the growing demand for intensive production systems due to the growth of the human population, leading to the modification and loss of natural ecosystems and biodiversity. It traces the historical development of conservation efforts, highlighting the emergence of strategies such as “conservation through smart use” and “conservation through sustainable use” to promote the coexistence of wildlife conservation and socioeconomic development. It emphasizes the importance of incorporating various forms of wildlife use into conservation strategies, including commercial, recreational, scientific, aesthetic, and spiritual purposes. However, there's controversy over which forms of utilization are compatible with conservation, particularly concerning commercial use. Proponents argue that commercial use can aid conservation by increasing land productivity, preserving genetic heritage, creating markets, stabilizing fauna product markets, and promoting rural development. Conversely, opponents raise concerns that commercial interests may prioritize profit over ecological conservation, leading to overexploitation and ecological degradation. Ultimately, the effectiveness of commercial wildlife use as a conservation mechanism remains a hypothesis requiring rigorous field experimentation considering both biological and socioeconomic factors.
metadata.dc.type: Capítulo de livro
metadata.dc.totalpage: 247
metadata.dc.localofdeposit: https://www.blucher.com.br/design-ecovisions-research-on-design-and-sustainability-in-brazil-volume-2_9786555500653
URI : https://repositorio.icmbio.gov.br/handle/cecav/2259
ISBN : 9786555500653
Aparece en las colecciones: Livros e Publicações

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