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Título : An approach to map karst groundwater potentiality in an urban area, Sete Lagoas, Brazil
Autor : Magnabosco, Rafael
Galvão, Paulo
de Carvalho, Ana Maciel
Palabras clave : Sete Lagoas;geomodeller;karst;aquifer;groundwater potentiality;hydrogeological conceptual model
Fecha de publicación : 28-sep-2020
Resumen : Due to complex hydrogeological contexts, mapping groundwater potential zones in karst regions is a difficult task. This study was conducted on a karst terrain in Sete Lagoas, Brazil, where rapid urban growth without adequate water resources management resulted in the drilling of unproductive wells and possible aquifer over-exploitation due to the concentration of wells. The objective was to develop a method for mapping groundwater potentiality for karst aquifers, serving as water resources management tool, based on 3D geological modelling, field work and pumping test data, remote sensing, geophysics analysis and production of thematic maps, resulting in the hydrogeological conceptual model. The groundwater potentiality map showed that most potential zones are on the central area, limited by grabens, where limestones are in contact with unconsolidated sediments, on areas with higher density of morphostructural and geophysical lineaments, mainly in east–west and north–east directions, near karst surface features, on thicker karstified zones, with higher recharge rates.
metadata.dc.source: Hydrological Sciences Journal
metadata.dc.type: Texto publicado em jornal
metadata.dc.localofdeposit: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02626667.2020.1802031?journalCode=thsj20&
URI : https://repositorio.icmbio.gov.br/handle/cecav/1188

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