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2024-05-03Mercury biomagnification in the food chain of a piscivorous turtle species (Testudines: Chelidae: Chelus fimbriata) in the Central Amazon, BrazilCunha, Fábio Andrew G; Forsberg, Bruce R; Vogt, Richard C; Domingos, Fabíola X V; Marshall, Bruce G; Brito, Brendson C; Sousa, Otávio P de; Kasper, Daniele; Santos, Ana Laura P; Ândrade, Marcelo
2024-03-07A new species of terrestrial foam-nesting frog of the Adenomera simonstuarti complex (Anura, Leptodactylidae) from white-sand forests of central Amazonia, BrazilMartins, Bryan da Cunha; Mônico, Alexander Tamanini; Mendonça, Cianir; Dantas, Silionamã P.; Souza, Jesus R. D.; Hanken, James; Lima, Albertina Pimentel; Ferrão, Miquéias
2024A New Species of the Aplastodiscus albosignatus Group (Hylinae: Cophomantini) from the Northern Mantiqueira Mountain Range Marinho, Pedro; Santos, Marcus Thadeu T.; Faivovich, Julian; Lyra, Mariana L.; Giaretta, Ariovaldo A.; Haddad, Célio F.B.
2022-05-30Pantanal yacare (Caiman yacare) tail fillets subjected to traditional hot smoking and liquid Souza, Maria Luiza Rodrigues; Fernandes, Vitória Regina Makuxi; Gasparino, Eliane; Coutinho, Marcos Eduardo; Vianna, Verônica Oliveira; Matiucci, Marcos Antônio; Coradini, Melina Franco; Oliveira, Gislaine Gonçalves; Goes, Marcio Douglas; Goes, Elenice Souza Dos Reis; Parisi, Giuliana; Feihrmann, Andresa Carla
2022-08-29Priority areas and integrated actions for the conservation of Amazonian turtle populations historically over-exploited by humans.Gamba, Fábio Brega; Falcon, Guth Berger; Simoncini, Melina Soledad; Balestra, Rafael Antônio Machado; Malvasio, Adriana
2024-01-27Assessing Brazilian turtles’ vulnerability BY USING species distribution models AND dispersal constraintsPinto, Hugo Bonfim de Arruda; Valadão, Rafael Martins; Andrade, André Felipe Alves de; Batista, Flavia Regina de Queiroz; Marco Júnior, Paulo De
2022Hydrological Effects on the Reproduction of the Giant South American River Turtle Podocnemis expansa (Testudines: Podocnemididae)Simoncini, Melina S.; de Sousa, Heitor Campos; Portelinha, Thiago Costa Gonçalves; Falcon, Guth Berger; Collicchio, Erich; Balestra, Rafael A. Machado; Luz, Vera L. Ferreira; Colli, Guarino Rinaldi; Malvasio, Adriana
2024-05Estratégias de conservação contra ameaças à faunaVilaça, Tatiana Alves
2022-05-16Diversity patterns of lizard assemblages from a protected habitat mosaic in the Brazilian Cerrado savannaBarros, Rafael Assis; Dorado-Rodrigues, Tainá Figueras; Valadão, Rafael Martins; Strüssmann, Christine
2022-02-25Sexual dimorphism and morphometrics in two populations of the Neotropical freshwater turtle Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei (Testudines, Chelidae)Brito, Elizângela S.; Vogt, Richard C.; Ferraz, Rosa Helena S.; Strüssmann, Christine; Valadão, Rafael M.; Fernandes, zaias M.