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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006_Hawksbill_turtles_in_Brazil.pdf.jpg2006-04Hawksbill turtles in BrazilMARCOVALDI, M. A; THOMÉ, J. C; LOPEZ, G. G; SOARES, L. S
2007_Evaluation_of_Interaction_between_sea_turtles.pdf.jpg2007-02Evaluation of interaction between sea turtles and pelagic longline fisheries in BrazilMARCOVALDI, M. A; SALES, G; THOME, J. C. A; SILVA, A. C. C. D; GIFFONI, B. B
2008_Conservation_of_sea_turtles_in_Brazil.pdf.jpg2008Conservation of Sea Turtles in Brazil: Encouraging Results Obtained on Nesting BeachesMARCOVALDI, M.A; THOMÉ, J.L; LOPEZ, G.L; SANTOS, A. S; SOARES, L.S; SILVA, A.C.C.D; BARATA, P.C.R
2009_Sattelite-tracked_movements.pdf.jpg2009Sattelite-Tracked movements of leatherbeck sea turtles Dermochelys coriacea, from Southeastern Brazil.ALMEIDA, A.P; ECKERT, S.A; BRUNO, S.C; SCALFONI, J.T; GIFFONI, B; THOMÉ, J.C.A
1071-84432963ANBACOT3B2.pdf.jpg2007-05-01Nesting Biology and conservation of the leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) in Espírito Santo State, Brazil, 1988-1989 to 2003-2004.THOMÉ, J. C. A; BAPTISTOTTE, C; MOREIRA, L. M. P; SCALFONI, J. T; ALMEIDA, A. P; RIETH, D. B; BARATA, P. C. R
2000_Reproductive_Biology_and_Conservation.pdf.jpg2000Reproductive biology and conservation status of the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) in Espirito Santo State, Brazil.BAPTISTOTTE, C; THOMÉ, J. C. A; BJORNDAL, K
2000_Educational_Campaign_to_Reduce_the_Impact_of_Artificial_Light.pdf.jpg2000Educational campaign to reduce the impact of artificial light on sea turtle nesting beaches in Brazil.MARCOVALDI, M. Â; BELLINI, C; CASTILHOS, J. C de; SILVA, A. C. C. D. da; GALLO, B. M. G; BAPTISTOTTE, C.; LIMA, E. H. S. M; LIMA, E. P; SANCHES, T. M; THOMÉ, J; PATIRI, V. J. A
Publicado_v66n1a080_04 (1).pdf.jpg2006-02-28Stock assessment and fishery management of the pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis LatreilleLEITE , Junior JR . , N . O; M , Petrere . JR PETRERE; N.O, Junior JR LEITE; M , Petrere . JR
Publicado_v66n22a087_04 (1).pdf.jpg2006-05Growth and mortalities of the Pink-shrimpN . O ., Leite JR LEITE; JR . , Petrere