Browsing by Author SOARES, L.S
Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
 | 2008 | Conservation of Sea Turtles in Brazil: Encouraging Results Obtained on Nesting Beaches | MARCOVALDI, M.A; THOMÉ, J.L; LOPEZ, G.L; SANTOS, A. S; SOARES, L.S; SILVA, A.C.C.D; BARATA, P.C.R |
 | 2009-07-17 | Movimentos migratórios da tartaruga-cabeçuda, Caretta caretta, monitorados através de telemetria por satélite | MARCOVALDI, M.A; LOPEZ, G.G; SOARES, L.S; LIMA, E.H.S.M; THOMÉ, J.C.A; ALMEIDA, A.P |